Wednesday 7 March 2012

week 0 laidlaw theology 27 feb - 2 mar 2012

main entrance to laidlaw college
monday 27 feb 2012 - my application to study for the graduate diploma in theology has been approved. registration at laidlaw college today. college principal rod thompson welcomed us.
tour of campus grounds. starting at the garden of martyrs dedicated to 6 graduates from the college who were killed while serving as missionaries. followed by library tour and orientation to campus and other facilities.

garden of martyrs at laidlaw college commemorating past graduates who were killed while serving as missionaries
i managed to enrol in these four modules for semester 1:
biblical interpretation
biblical theology
ways of knowing
old testament : pentateuch
i also enrolled in these four modules for semester 2:
worldviews & ways of life
old testament psalms
theology: god & creation

the atrium with offices above and library to the left
twos and threes atrium cafe on the right

colonnade beyond leading to lecture rooms
courtyard beside the colonnade
laidlaw library containing over 70,000 items


  1. Awesome Rob, Look pretty flash not rough and manly like the Unitec building site. Your four modules sound interesting, Is one of the Modules about the old testament, old school wrath of god and blood and guts?? Anyway Rob all the best in your studies and I will keep in touch.

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